Monday, May 28, 2007

Whoa...Why even bother coming back?

Uhhh...'cause I want to. Yeah sure I haven't posted in a millennium but I've thought about this blog a lot for some time and I wanted to redesign it (which I did) and focus it on music (which I will). In the coming days, months, years...whatever, expect me to post some mp3 files of music that I feel just has to be heard so expect much bands on independent labels and such. And let's start off with one of my favorite songs by a band formerly known as The Incredible Moses Leroy and are now known as The Softlighties (I like both of those names by the way) it's called 1983 which is a year after which I was born. I'm sure you were begging to know that.

MP3:Incredible Moses Leroy-1983

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