Monday, May 28, 2007

60's-ish or 60's-esque?

So I recently stumbled onto this video that might've been playing on Fuse Tv buuuut I don't really remember (Ask me what my first meal during lunchtime in the first grade was and I'll be able to tell you in excruciating detail). So this vaguely 60's sounding tune is playing while good looking, 20-somethings play their instruments while the camera rotates around them. Standard indie music video concept, sure but the song grabbed me and I now want to share the video and song separately for you to enjoy. Turns out the band is Starflyer 59 and that the people in the video are just actors...sigh. Now I'll never know who that fine looking lady is that's playing the organ, guess I'll have to call Central Casting for that answer. The song itself isn't as happy sounding as the title makes it seem but if you like it the song can be found on their 2006 album "My Island". Here's the video for Starflyer 59- I Win

MP3:Starflyer59 - I win

Now I did say the song was vaguely 60's sounding, at least that's what I heard. This next band sort of wears their 60's influences on their sleeves playing more of an early garage rock sound. On this track though the poppiness really shines through. they're called The Deathray Davies and they're still around but this cut is from their 2002 album called The Day Of The Ray which I used to play on my college radio show all the time.

MP3:The Deathray Davies - Pulling Teeth

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