I've only been playing in the band for about a year and a half but it's been a grand learning experience because my patience has been tested many times and it's always about Trial and Error thing when it comes how I should approach anything in the group.
It's been great though, The prospect of playing in a band came at a time when I had nothing going on with my life and going to church or having anything to do with religion was certainly out of the question. That I simply cannot complain about but then again when rehearsal comes around I'm not simply going to count my blessings all the time and not get a word in about picking songs or anything having to do with musical arrangements. I get bothered sometimes by things that I think should be set in stone like showing up on time which seems to be the common thread among some of the team members, another thing seems to be switching keys to songs. I don't know it just seems to that if you were comfortable singing in Em for certain tunes for 5 years but switch it up to Am out of the blue because for whatever reason the original key is "too hard to reach"....what is that??? Simple things, I know.
Also we need some important team members to realize how great an opportunity this is and step up! If you're going to make up lame excuses to not show up for rehearsal then do yourself and the band a favor and not show up at all. When you volunteer for something and just because you do not get paid doesn't give you the excuse to not be reliable. We rehearse on Saturday mornings from 11-1pm which is great because it's not too early and you still have the rest of Saturday to do whatever you please but obviously it didn't seem as attractive as I had figured. I must say though that it helps tremendously to have your oldest friend in the band --once I start fuming, I can look at his goofy face and all is right in the world (Danny, much love bro!) Anyway I'll make sure to write more about going-ons within the group so stay tuned. In the meantime enjoy this photo of the World's smallest church.
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