Thursday, May 31, 2007

Page France

When I peruse these various mp3 blogs I suppose that I'm looking for the next song or artist that I can obsess over for 2 months or so. I'm not sure why bands or artists have a time limit when it comes to my taste but it's just the way that that it's worked for years now. Well Page France, an indie folk-pop from Maryland were given that same attention a few months ago when I would play my defective Creative Labs zen player on the subway going to school. Their songs "chariot" and "junkyard" got me through that morning ride across the Williamsburg bridge as I would quietly pat myself on the back for probably having the best music selection on that train as other people were shuffling their iPod playlists in hopes of hearing that song that they downloaded last night because it sounded so good on [insert name here's]bland top 40 radio morning show. Well if this song isn't indicative of what will never be played on mainstream radio then you're just gonna have to do better. This track is from Page France's new album "...And the Family Telephone"

MP3:Page France - Hat and Rabbits

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